“How I went from $50K Debt to $3M in 3 Years…”


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I want to be 100% transparent before you sign up. his has nothing to do with “Getting Rich Quick”, Building MLMs, Work at Home, or Employment Opportunities. My program is for serious people trying to build a real business that are willing to roll up their sleeves and work. My results and the results featured in testimonials are in no way typical and there are NO guarantees you will make any money, get any results, or do anything at all. This program is for educational purposes only.

You should assume that products, programs or personal recommendations made by me, Armando Montelongo, may result in compensation paid to me by those I recommend. I recommend resources that I use myself, unless it specifically states that I do not use that resource. I do recommend many products and services to my clients which I do not use myself. If you would rather that I not be compensated for these recommendations, go to Google and search for the item and find a non-affiliate link to use. You should perform your own due diligence and use your own best judgment prior to making any investment decision pertaining to your business. By virtue of visiting this site or interacting with any portion of this site, you agree that you’re fully responsible for the investments you make and any outcomes that may result.

Do you have questions about Armando Montelongo Companies’ products or services? Are you wondering if the program will work for you? Call (800) 889-3877 now to speak to one of my strategists! We will be happy to discuss your goals and how we may be able to help you achieve your goals.

Everybody wants success, but
not everybody wants to work for it!

Millionaires take action now

As of December 2018, almost 87% of families in the US are in debt, with an average debt of $135,768! The average credit card interest rate in the US is over 17%. I don’t want to bore you with a math lesson, but the bottom line is a hole that many people will never dig themselves out of.

You’ve probably heard the saying time is money. Well, the inverse is just as true: money is time. Estimates state that the average person spends 35% of their adult life at work. That doesn’t include commute, time spent working from home, time spent at a second job or side hustle, time spent worrying about finances, etc.

In business, every decision is based on ROI – Return On Investment. If I put $1 in, how much do I get out? Well, when you put 1 hour into your work, how much do you get out? Do you get at least 1 hour out the other side? Are you getting at least 100% return on your investment?

I asked myself many years ago, how can I skip the learning curve? All of the mistakes and confusion and difficulty that anyone faces when starting a new business. There has to be a way to get past all of that as painlessly (and as inexpensively as possible).

The self-made billionaire Warren Buffett says, “You only learn from mistakes.” But they don’t have to be your mistakes. It’s a hell of a lot easier to learn from the mistakes of others.

Invest In Real Estate:
The Greatest Wealth Creator in History

When I was 7 years old, my dad (who was a contractor and built houses from the ground up) took me to a job site to experience a day of hard work. Now, I definitely inherited a strong work ethic from my dad, but all that day taught me was that I never wanted to work like that.

Now, as a father myself, I ask my kids what they want to do when they grow up. My oldest son, Mando, told me when he was 7 that he wanted to be a football player. What do you think I told him when he said that? “Invest in real estate, then you can do whatever you want.”

I want my kids to know a key fact that most people never learn: real estate is the number 1 wealth creator in the world.

What do people like Shaquille O’Neal, Ellen DeGeneres, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vanilla Ice, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, and Donald Trump have in common? They all built massive wealth in real estate and use that wealth to fuel their passions.

Do you know the only way to be sure you can have, do, and be what you want in life? Be wealthy! People may say, “money can’t buy happiness,” or “money is the root of all evil.” Let me share an observation with you: the people saying those tired old sayings either don’t have any money or profit from you not having any!

Flip and Grow Rich Academy Gives You
Instant Access to all this!


Flip and Grow Rich Master Course: I’ll get access to learn Armando’s step-by-step flipping system and get a 10,000 hour head start on my real estate career!


Video Training Vault: I’ll get immediate access to tons of videos that Armando recorded specifically to share advanced flipping techniques!


VIP Registration to Armando’s Live Video Training: I can log in to Armando’s live Zoom training sessions to hear market updates, get motivated, and have my questions answered!


Premium Web Courses: I will receive exclusive access to premium web courses like Advanced Note Buying, Closing Motivated Sellers, and more. These were previously only available to Armando’s most advanced students!


Amazing Bonus Content: I’ll be able to immediately access one-time bonus content like Assessing Properties 2.0, Flowchart of a Deal, Profit Blueprint, and Negotiation Tactics!

Read what other Flip and Grow Rich members are saying

Money-back Guarantee

I have such confidence that Flip and Grow Rich will enable you to reach your goals, create financial freedom, and enrich your life – just like it has thousands of other students before you – that I’m willing to give you a 100% no questions asked money-back guarantee.

But let me say one thing, I guarantee you that the Flip and Grow Rich membership will take your quality of life to a level it has never been before. I guarantee you that it will shave years off the painful learning curve of real estate entrepreneurship and allow you to reach your goals faster than you could on your own. I guarantee you that this program will be full of things that you have never heard of before.

10x your flipping business
no matter your
experience level

Even before I started flipping houses, my goal was always to help people. Real estate has been very lucrative for me: from starring in a hit television show to starting a business that Fortune 500 named the #1 fastest growing education company. And I want to be clear: I like making money!

In fact, I hope that I can teach you to make a lot of money so that we can go make a lot of money together! If I teach you to go make $10,000,000, would you be all right with me making $1,000,000?

In the past, my students have paid me tens of thousands of dollars to attend my advanced trainings, and I have seen them go on to create billions of dollars in real estate market activity.

Now, for the first time ever, I am making my real estate training system available at a price point that anyone can reach. For less than a Starbucks cup of coffee a day, you can learn the exact same system that took me from $50,000 in debt, living in my in-laws’ garage, buying my son’s baby formula with food stamps to making $1,000,000 in my first year and $3,000,000 in my first three years as a real estate investor.

I don’t want that same kind of lifestyle change for you. I want your story to be even more incredible. One of the most important lessons my millionaire mentor taught me is that the biggest difference between regular people and millionaires is that millionaires Take Action Now. 

Start your membership in my Flip and Grow Rich Academy, don’t procrastinate. But also understand that this is a transformative process designed not just to teach you real estate, but to rewire your brain for success.

When you do (and I’m confident you will), there is nothing that can stop you.

See you on the other side of success,


(800) 889-3877 | [email protected] | 11503 Jones Maltsberger Rd Ste 1125, San Antonio, TX 78216

© 2019 Armando Montelongo Companies | All Rights Reserved



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Earnings, income, and success representations made by ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS®, its officers, employees, agents, affiliates, or representatives are aspirational statements only providing examples of your earnings potential. The success of Armando Montelongo, Jr., testimonials, and other examples used are exceptional non-typical results and are no way a guarantee that You or others will achieve the same or like same results. ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS ®, is a real estate investing training and education company. While the Company believes that with the right training and through diligence and hard work, a hungry individual can build real wealth through investing in real estate, but investing in real estate is inherently risky and can leave You the potential investor open to lose some or all of your money. No investment deal is the same – individual results will always vary and may be impacted by Your own individual capacity, work ethic, business skills, experience, level of motivation, diligence, and drive in applying the training you receive through ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS ®, as well as unforeseen and unknown factors such as the economy, the actions of other investors, government action – including imposing legal and regulatory changes, normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors. ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS® nor Armando Montelongo, Jr. individually, are responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible and accountable for your own decisions. The evaluation and use of the Company’s products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS® nor Armando Montelongo, Jr. individually are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions. ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS®, including Armando Montelongo, Jr., personally, may receive compensation for products and services recommended to you. Armando Montelongo, Jr. currently uses or has used a recommended resource and investing methods taught, unless it is stated otherwise. If you do not want ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS® or Armando Montelongo, Jr to be compensated for a recommendation, then we advise that you search online for the item through a non-affiliate link.

Do you have questions about ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS®? Give us a call at (800) 889-3877.

We will be happy to discuss your goals and how ARMANDO MONTELONGO SEMINARS® may help you.